There are two types of endorsements or changes to a Mexico insurance policy; those that cost (premium bearing) and those that don't (non-premium bearing).

Non-premium bearing Changes

Any non-premium changes can be made quickly and easily using our online ticket request forms.   Updating contact information, adding a driver, changing lien holder information, correcting a vehicle identification number (VIN),  or even the year of a vehicle can be completed by just giving us a call or by completing our online ticket request form.  We can even change your policy effective date, as long as the policy has not gone into effect, and the number of days in Mexico has not changed.  In addition, we can update lienholder information, cancel a policy, obtain duplicate copies, of a policy or ID card, add drivers, or change your address.

Premium Bearing Changes

If you need to change the vehicle insured on the policy or need to add a trailer or other towed unit we can do that. For six-month and annual policies we offer a one-time transfer of coverage from one vehicle to another. Meaning you can only do this once, but it can be done..

If you need to add days or make a premium bearing change, such as changing coverage limits or deductibles, we may need to cancel and rewrite your policy.  Click here to use our online ticket request form to do so.

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