Drivers License Policies, or Named Driver Policies, provide the named drivers on the policy with Liability coverage which follows the driver to any vehicle. This policy is designed for the insured who drives multiple vehicles in Mexico, does not require any physical damage nor theft coverage, and wants to have only one policy that covers the driver for liability no matter which vehicle is driven. Limits can extend from $50,000 to $300,000.

This type of coverage is best suited for the insured who has multiple, older vehicles that do no require physical damage or theft coverage, OR for the insured whose vehicles are covered for Physical Damage and Theft in Mexico under their US Insurance.

Coverage is provided by A-rated, top Mexico auto insurance companies who are authorized and recognized in Mexico. Many Mexico Auto Insurance Companies are small or not rated...make sure you check the quality of the insurer you purchase from, and verify that they carry an A.M. Best or S&P rating.

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