I bought travel assistance coverage, but when I look at my policy it says I don't have any coverage. Why?
A: If you have purchased MexVisit Travel Assistance coverage to accompany your Mexico Car Insurance policy, congratulations you have made a great choice. MexVisit Travel Assistance is by far the best travel assistance package available in the Mexico car insurance market, however it is not provided by the insurance company, but rather by a third party provider called Grupo Integra, a specialist in Mexico Travel Assistance (last year they towed nearly half a million cars in the Mexico City area alone). Because of this, the policy that is issued by the company will state that their coverage is not provided. However, you can verify travel assistance coverage by looking at the receipt of payment, which will include payment to MexVisit for the coverage. Also, the last two pages will include a travel assistance declarations page and instructions regarding what to do in case of a claim. Finally, you will receive a copy of the MexVisit terms and conditions in your email.